章明秋,教授,博士生导师,现任中山大学化学学院材料科学研究所所长。曾获国家杰出青年科学基金项目。兼任中国材料研究学会常务理事、亚澳复合材料协会(AACM)常务理事、《复合材料学报》主编、《Composites Science & Technology》副主编等职。长期从事高分子及其复合材料的科研与教学,内容涉及增强聚合物的力学性能,纳米粒子表面改性及其高分子复合材料,植物基复合材料,界面,自修复、减摩耐磨、导电复合材料等。
Self-healing polymers and polymercomposites represents a class of materials with built-in capability ofrehabilitating damages. Damages that are inevitably generated in materialsduring fabrication and service can be automatically repaired on a microscopicscale and would no longer develop into macroscopic failure as in the case ofconventional materials. The topic has attracted more and more attention in the pastfew years. The on-going research activities clearly indicate that self-healingpolymeric materials turn out to be a typical multi-disciplinary area. Thepresent report briefly reviews the works carried out in the authors’ laboratorytowards strength recovery for structural applications.
The self-healingmethodologies developed to date can be classified as intrinsic and extrinsicaccording to the method used for delivering the healing components to thetarget site in the material. Unlike intrinsic self-healing that operates as aresult of inter- or intra-macromolecular interactions in the absence ofadditional healing agents, extrinsic self-healing involves the embedment of ahealing agent. Extrinsic self-healing can be more easily realized incommercially available polymers because no structural modification of thematrix molecules is required.